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Insurance for Micro Business

Insurance for a Micro Business*

What are your insurance requirements as a micro business owner?

The types of insurance policies your new business needs, and the level of cover, will vary depending on your new business activities and the size of your new business.

As each industry is different its essential to get cover that is suitable to your business activities.

Many Business Owners are UNSURE if they are COVERED PROPERLY.
We help them find affordable and SUITABLE INSURANCE so they can run their business with CONFIDENCE.*

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What type of micro businesses are covered under insurance?*

Below are some of the micro businesses we may be able to assist with cover:

  • Bakers
  • Administrative support services
  • Answering & reception services
  • Balloon artist
  • Beauticians
  • Consultants
  • Cosmetic sales
  • Costume jewellery maker
  • DJ
  • Dog walking
  • Dog grooming
  • Engraving
  • Freelancers
  • Graphic designers
  • Handyman
  • Hairdressers
  • Online shops
  • Picture framer
  • Pet care
  • Photographers
  • Trades
  • Web developers
  • Writers

Your occupation or industry NOT listed above?

Don’t worry

A specialist small business broker may still be able to assist you.

Talk your SMART business insurance broker on 1300 542 573 for more information about suitable covers for your micro business activities.

What type of insurance does a micro business need?*

Trying to work out what insurance your micro business needs?

We may be able to assist.

Wherever you are in Australia when you contact SMART business insurance , your friendly business insurance broker may be able to help answer your questions and find you suitable and affordable insurance for your micro business.

Micro business insurance quotes online*

When it comes to micro business insurance quotes in Australia SMART Business Insurance provides new micro business owners with online ease combined with friendly personal service.

Our smart combination of personal and online service allows you to obtain quotes and/or information regarding insurance for your micro business activities by a business insurance broker via Live Chat, email and/or phone.

Our helpful insurance brokers are able to make the process easy for you to understand and generally will be able you provide you with quotes for suitable micro business insurance policies quickly.

With popular industries and occupations for micro businesses our brokers can often provide you with a competitive quote from leading insurers including Vero, Hollards, QBE, Zurich, AIG, CGU, Chubb and Liberty in just a few minutes.

With less common industries or more complex micro businesses your SMART broker may be able to source you a suitable and affordable quote from a specialist underwriter.

Want your QUESTIONS on Business Insurance ANSWERED?
Get in touch. *

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SMART business insurance pro tip*

Document back up for micro businesses:

Back up documents at least daily on the cloud. Don’t be cheap . Back it up a local Australia data centre; if possible ; within an hour’s drive of your home based business; so that if something happens to your data you can get hold of it easily and return back to work quickly.

Micro Business Insurance quotes*

TALK to a SMART Business Insurance broker on 1300 542 573 or contact us online for suitable and affordable insurance quotes for your micro business.
