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Mining Resources Contractor Insurance

Mining & Resources Insurance Quotes*

If you are a mining contractor looking for insurance such as a public liability insurance or a business insurance pack you’ve come to the SMART place to search for suitable business insurance for your activities.

We can help a wide range of mining resources contractors find suitable business insurance quotes including gas contractors and oil contractors.

While every mining contractor is slightly different, we know mining and resources contractors, and in many cases, which insurance companies have the appetite and satisfactory terms for each segment in the mining, resources, oil & gas industry.

We have a strong focus on sourcing insurance quotes and cover for mining resources contractors.

Many Business Owners are UNSURE if they are COVERED PROPERLY.
We help them find affordable and SUITABLE INSURANCE so they can run their business with CONFIDENCE.*

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Insurance brokers for Mining resource contractors*

At SMART we are able to source business insurance quotes for oil contractors , gas contractors and many more mining resources contractor. Below are just some of the mining & resource occupations we may be able to provide broker insurance quotes and place cover for:

  • Air leg miners
  • Blasters
  • Charge up crew
  • Dewatering contractors
  • Drillers – above and below ground
  • Engineers
  • Exploration
  • Fitters
  • Geologists
  • Machine operators
  • Mobile plant operators
  • Rehabilitation consultants
  • Rock bolters
  • Shaft sinkers
  • Underground electricians
  • And many more.. . including hard to place risks such as offshore oil rigs, underground activities and coal mines

Business insurance for mining resource contractors*

If you are a trade based mining contractor looking for business insurance you will usually will need at least need Public & Products Liability Insurance.

You may also need Products Liability or a ‘Business Pack’, which combines several insurance policies into a cost effective insurance package for trade based mining contractors.

Whether you are an electrician, driller, blaster or machine operator our helpful insurance brokers are here to assist you in finding suitable business insurance cover for your mining and resources activities.

Want your QUESTIONS on Business Insurance ANSWERED?
Get in touch. *

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Professional indemnity insurance for mining consultants*

Professional Contractors and consultants involved in the mining and resources sector, such as geologists and engineers, will typically require Professional Indemnity Insurance and Public Liability Insurance.

If you are a mining contractor or consultant looking for business insurance, call us on
1300 542 573 to talk to a Business Insurance Specialist or email us at
