Cooks Insurance

Liability Insurance for Food Cooks

As a cook, an important part of keeping your business protected and running is having suitable insurance.

It can help you recover from unexpected incidents that can affect your business’s income and operations.

Having business insurance in place may provide financial protection from costly incidents, such as damaged stock, property damage, legal disputes, or theft. Depending on the types of business insurance you choose, it may also provide protection for your customers, business premises, and even your employees.

Many Business Owners are UNSURE if they are COVERED PROPERLY.
We help them find affordable and SUITABLE INSURANCE so they can run their business with CONFIDENCE.*

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With so many business insurance products on the market, it can be difficult to determine which type of business insurance is suited to the needs of your cooking business.

If you want guidance to identify the type of business insurance that is suitable for your business that offers you good protection from the risks associated with your business activities our SMART team of business insurance may be able to assist.

Type of cover a self-employed cook or owner of a cooking business may consider include:

  • Public and Product Liability Insurance may help protect you against claims by third parties for alleged personal Injury, illness, or damage to their property.
  • Commercial Property Insurance – This protects your business’s buildings and contents, such as equipment and furniture, from damage or theft.
  • Business Asset Insurance may cover the physical items important to running your business such as ovens, fridges, dishwashers and other items.
  • Personal Accident and Sickness may cover part of your income if you are injured or ill for an extended period and can’t work as a cook.

At Smart Business Insurance, we are here to help you find suitable cover for your cooking business activities, and assist you get properly protected. Get in touch with our team today to for guidance about the business insurances available for cooks.

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