Business Insurance For Florists
Florist Insurance*
Who has the best red roses ? Who does the most amazing floral arrangement ? Who has bonsai in stock ? Which florist serves you with a smile and doesn’t keep you waiting ? Who delivers reliably at reasonable price ? Who does Grace use ?– her arrangements never disappoint.
These are questions asked by potential customers ranging from people wanting flowers for their home to a bride planning her wedding extravaganza.
When florists are able to consistently make the process of buying flowers fun and comfortable the business typically generates positive word of mouth and thrives.
While we can’t help you decide on how many gerberas, carnations or sunflowers to stock, what price points to set your arrangements at , find enough staff for Valentine’s day or deliver your flowers we CAN help you make a smart choice regarding finding suitable business insurance for your florist business.
Just like your business focuses on flowers we specialise in helping businesses such as florists by sourcing multiple competitive quotes for you that cover your florist business risks.
So, what are the insurable risks for florists?
Many Business Owners are UNSURE if they are COVERED PROPERLY.
We help them find affordable and SUITABLE INSURANCE so they can run their business with CONFIDENCE.*
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Insurance for florists*
- Public Liability – eg: accidents to clients when at your florist
- Product Liability – eg: food poisoning.
- Fire & Perils – eg: flammable materials on site.
- Crime – eg: cash, money and alcohol.
- Commercial Property – eg: damage to your commercial building if applicable.
- Commercial Fleet – insurance cover for vehicles used in transportation of flowers.
- Business Interruption profit associated with business in the event you are forced to close for an extended period.
Suitable business insurance for florists*
Choosing flowers for a major event can be both exciting and stressful. When selecting flowers for a special partner many customers seek guidance from the florist to help them make the right decision. And for some long married customers grabbing some flowers is a bit like an insurance policy for some businesses- they don’t really want to buy the flowers but they know they can’t go home without them.
Similarly, while some florists view their flower shop insurance as a key part of their asset protection strategy other florists see insurance as a “necessary evil” – but they know it can be invaluable when they need to claim.
Whether you are keen or otherwise about insurance cover for your florist, our business insurance brokers can help you find suitable cost effective insurance.
Depending on the size and nature of your florist business certain insurance companies may offer better terms. For most small retail florists our brokers will obtain multiple quotes on suitable insurance policies for your from leading insurance companies such as Vero, CGU, Zurich and AIG. For larger commercial florists or flower wholesalers we can obtain suitable terms from specialist underwriters.
TALK to a SMART Insurance broker on 1300 542 573 or contact us online for SMART insurance cover for your florist.
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Types of florists we may be able to provide insurance for:*
Flower wholesalers: Insurance for distributors of flowers and plants to retail and online flower shops.
Retail florists: Insurance for the popular type of florist. Retails florists can supply domestic and business customers and may have a specialist niche.
Florists vans: Commercial vehicle insurance for florist vans.
Wedding florists: Insurance for florists specialising in weddings.
Freelance florist : Insurance for freelancers in the flower industry. Can provide consultancy and/or products for weddings, birthdays and corporate.
What is the correct “Situation Address” to list on my business policy?*
The Situation Address must be the address of either the physical risk being covered (like a property) or, in the case of Liability policies, the physical address for the normal place (or places) of business.
If you have multiple business locations, e.g., a number of branches, shops, factories or depots, then ALL location addresses must be shown on the schedule and advised to the insurers. And the multiple location addresses then needs to be kept up to date with the insurers at all times, in the event of any changes.
Insurers will not accept a Post Office box as a “normal place of business”, because you cannot do business from a PO Box.
A PO Box is fine for a mailing address, but cannot be used as the address of the “Situation” on any policy.
For example, Public Liability policies usually operate “at and from” an address, which should be the normal place of business for a business policy.
If the business was run from home, for example, then the home address would be shown as the normal place of business. The “at and from” nature of the cover would then cover any transitory business conducted away from the home address (or away from a real business address, as the case may be).
If the business was run from home but was selling through stands or kiosks at markets or shopping centres then that would have to be disclosed to the insurer, as it affects the risk.