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Engineers Insurance

Business Insurance for Engineers

The types of business insurance a self-employed engineer may consider cover a range of areas, including professional indemnity, public and products liability and personal accident cover.

Owners of an engineering business may consider professional indemnity, public and products liability, commercial property insurance, management liability insurance, cyber insurance, and workers compensation insurance.

Professional Indemnity insurance may cover engineers for costs associated with civil and actions taken against them for professional negligence, errors or omissions in their professional capacity. This is especially important for engineers who offer advice or services for a fee.

Many Business Owners are UNSURE if they are COVERED PROPERLY.
We help them find affordable and SUITABLE INSURANCE so they can run their business with CONFIDENCE.*

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Public Liability insurance may cover engineers for third party damages, including injury or damage to someone visiting a site. For example, if a third party is injured on site Public Liability Insurance may help with the costs.

Product liability insurance may provide protection if your engineering business is found liable for damages or injury caused by products you supply. This is important for engineering companies that provide products.

Commercial Property Insurance may protect your engineering business’s buildings and contents and equipment from damage or theft.

Equipment Insurance can cover items such as computer equipment, machinery, testing equipment, tools, and furniture.

Management liability insurance may provide cover for the directors and senior managers for civil fines, legal and defence costs. Important given the nature of engineering business activities.

Cyber Liability Insurance may protect your engineering business from potential financial losses or any reputational damage that may arise from a cyber-attack or breach of data security. This type of insurance may also provide reimbursement or reimbursement of any money spent on responding to an attack and the costs incurred with repairing any damage caused; including notifying customers of the data breach.

Personal Accident Cover is a type of insurance that may offer protection for a self-employed engineer’s income. It may cover medical costs, loss of income and other associated expenses if you suffer an accident or injury that prevents you from working as an engineer for an extended period of time.

At Smart Business Insurance, we are here to help you find suitable cover for your engineering business activities, and assist you get properly protected.

Contact us today and get the peace of mind that comes with knowing your professional services business is properly covered.

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