Plate Glass Insurance
Plate Glass Insurance for Retail Shop-Front Windows*
If you are a retailer looking for plate glass insurance for your shop front windows you may have come to the smart place.
Wherever you are in Australia, whether you want plate glass cover for your shop-front windows to protect against losses arising from damage, or to satisfy the terms of your commercial lease, our team of friendly insurance brokers may be able to answer your questions plus provide costs and quotes on a suitable insurance policy.
Many Business Owners are UNSURE if they are COVERED PROPERLY.
We help them find affordable and SUITABLE INSURANCE so they can run their business with CONFIDENCE.*
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What is plate glass insurance?*
Plate glass insurance typically refers to business insurance coverage against damage to or breakage of large panes of glass such as retail shop windows.
Plate glass insurance may cover accidental damage to plate glass and is typically required by shop-front small businesses, such retailers, as many have large window panes of glass exposed to the street.
As a result, in Australia plate glass insurance is sometimes referred to as shop front insurance by many retailer shop owners.
How do I purchase plate glass insurance?*
In Australia, plate glass insurance, or shopfront insurance as it is often known, is typically bought by commercial property owners or tenants as part of a Business insurance pack together with cover for other risks including public liability, building, fire and perils, theft and money.
If you are leasing a commercial property glass insurance is typically a requirement of the lease as is public liability, building, fire and perils.
Trying to work out how much plate glass cover is, how much cover you need and what other commercial insurance policies your business needs?
We may be able to assist you determine what covers you need for your business risks.
Talk to a friendly SMART business insurance broker on 1300 542 573 to discuss suitable plate glass cover for your business TODAY.
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What is the correct “situation address” to list on my business policy?*
The Situation Address must be the address of either the physical risk being covered (like a property) or, in the case of Liability policies, the physical address for the normal place (or places) of business.
If you have multiple business locations, e.g. a number of branches, shops, factories or depots, then ALL location addresses must be shown on the schedule and advised to the insurers. And the multiple location addresses then needs to be kept up to date with the insurers at all times, in the event of any changes.
Insurers will not accept a Post Office box as a “normal place of business”, because you cannot do business from a PO Box. A PO Box is fine for a mailing address, but cannot be used as the address of the “Situation” on any policy.
For example, Public Liability policies usually operate “at and from” an address, which should be the normal place of business for a business policy.
If the business was run from home, for example, then the home address would be shown as the normal place of business. The “at and from” nature of the cover would then cover any transitory business conducted away from the home address (or away from a real business address, as the case may be).
If the business was run from home but was selling through stands or kiosks at markets or shopping centres then that would have to be disclosed to the insurer, as it affects the risk.