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Business Insurance for Glaziers

Insurance for Glaziers*

Glaziers need business insurance, including public liability insurance as glazing is high liability work, with accident on sites possible.

People and property on site may be hurt or damaged due to accidents involving glazing work.

Working with glass from heights, is particularly risky, and result in claims against glaziers for property damage or personal injury.

When working from heights, falling glass can damage power lines, vehicles, houses, or cause injury to a homeowner.

Fortunately, suitable business insurance for glaziers may provide protection against financial hardships that could arise from accidents, property damage, or legal claims caused by your glazing business activities.

Glazier business and public liability insurance may cover property damage, injuries to third parties that are caused by your glazing equipment and work activities.

Many Business Owners are UNSURE if they are COVERED PROPERLY.
We help them find affordable and SUITABLE INSURANCE so they can run their business with CONFIDENCE.*

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What Insurance Do I Need as a Glazier?*

Some of the major types of business insurance covers available to glaziers in Australia are explained below and include:

  • Public Liability Insurance
  • Business Insurance Pack
  • Personal Accident Insurance
  • General Property and Tools
  • Commercial Motor insurance
  • Plant and Equipment Insurance

Why do glaziers need public liability insurance?*

Public Liability Insurance coverage is essential for all self-employed glaziers.

Glaziers need public liability insurance as glazing involves working with glass,  that increases the probability of an accident on site.

People and property on site may be hurt or damaged due to accidents involving glazing work.

The constant presence of sharp broken glass means glazing work is rated as a high-risk occupation.

Protections offered to self-employed glaziers by public liability insurance in Australia generally include:

  • Injury to other persons due to your glazier activities –Where a glazing business activity causes harm to a third-party person. For example, a client ignores your warnings to stay away from the site and are injured when hit by broken or falling glass
  • Damage to others property due to your glazier activities – Where a glazing business activity causes damages to a third- party’s property. For example, a glazier may accidently cause damage in a client’s home while performing work.
  • Harm to other persons or other persons property due to your glazier business’s products – Where a glazing business’s products and goods supplied causes harm to a third party -person or a third- party’s property. For example, products a glazier has supplied, repaired, or manufactured cause harm, injure someone or cause property damage.

Public liability insurance coverage may protect glaziers from claims that arise when others allege, they are negligent.

A glazier’s public liability policy may provide a defence against the ensuing lawsuit when needed and may pay the damages sought by the injured party.

Public Liability Insurance may provide concreters with protection for Slip-and-trip accidents, Accidents that damage client property.

Business insurance pack for glaziers *

Glaziers may be able to combine multiple covers in a single business insurance pack policy.

By ‘packaging’ your business insurance into a ‘business pack’ glaziers can potentially cover many of the risks their business faces in the one policy.

For example, if a glazier has a commercial premises, a business insurance pack may provide cover for buildings and contents if they are accidentally damaged by a defined event, such as fire, storm, impact damage, accidental damage, vandalism, or malicious damage.

Other typical inclusions for glaziers with a business insurance pack are Public Liability Insurance and Product Liability Insurance.

Optional inclusions for glaziers with a business insurance pack are General Property, Contents, Machinery, Plant and Stock, Glass, Money, Business Interruption and Marine Cover.

Personal Accident Insurance for self-employed glaziers *

As a self-employed glazier your personal safety is your livelihood.

Personal accident insurance for glaziers may provide cover for 52 or 104 weeks and up to 85%* of weekly income at the time of the injury; depending on the amount of coverage agreed when the policy is taken out.

Time away from work from an accident will have a direct impact on a self-employed glazier’s income, and a long period away can negatively affect their savings, family, and lifestyle.

Personal Accident Insurance may help self-employed glaziers pay for essential bills and other financial commitments if they have an accident.

General Property and Tools Insurance for glaziers *

As a glazier, you are likely to have many tools and equipment that allow you to do your job, such as your glazier’s hammer, glass gun, putty knife, putty chisel, block lever and window scraper.

If your property is damaged or stolen, your business cannot operate effectively.

General property insurance can help you keep operating effectively.

It can provide needed funds to replace your tools such as your glazier’s hammer, glass gun, putty knife, putty chisel, block lever and window scraper ….and help keep you in business.

Commercial motor insurance for self-employed glaziers *

Commercial motor insurance should be considered for glaziers that drive their vehicle from site to site. Light trucks, vans and Utes may be covered.

Plant & Equipment Insurance for glazing businesses*

Plant & Equipment Insurance may provide cover for owners of glazing businesses that operate equipment such as glass vacuum lifters, glass suction cups , glazing robots, and forklifts.

Cover may provide glaziers with protection for theft, damage, consequential loss, liability, road risk and machinery breakdown.

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What are the costs of Glaziers Public Liability Insurance?*

How much does public liability insurance cost for self-employed Glaziers?*

Key factors in determining how much Public Liability insurance will cost a glazier include:

  • The nature and scope of the glazing business. For example, the type of work performed by the glazier.
  • The glazing business turnover and size. For example, is the glazier a sole trader that does 100% of the work themselves, or do they employee a team of 7 subbies?
  • Amount of insurance cover the glazing business needs. Liability starts with $5 million cover, $10 million is popular with many self-employed contractors, $20 million cover is needed for glaziers that work for large companies, on commercial sites or have a team of employees.

Public liability insurance cost for a self-employed glazier with no previous claims, starts from around $650* or $60 per month for $5 million Public Liability Insurance.

*** Please note ***: While cheap Public Liability Insurance can seem attractive on the surface it is important to ensure the policy covers you for the full business activities you undertake, and that the insurance policy and company will respond as intended when there is a claim. Costs may differ greatly from the above based on the glazing business size, clients, experience, and business activities. For many glaziers, that work from heights or that have employees, costs will be a lot higher.

Do I need business insurance to work as a self-employed glazier in Australia?*

Self-employed glaziers, or owners of small glazing business , subcontracting for builders will typically be required by the builder to obtain their own public liability insurance to get on site. This is typical for contractors working for builders throughout Australia.

Many small business owners, and even retail clients, will also ask to see proof of a glazier’s insurance cover, called a certificate of currency, prior to awarding them work and ask for an update each year.

As a self-employed glazier, suitable business insurance may provide credibility and valuable protection against the cost of a claim too.

Key glazing activities that may be able to be covered include:*

  • measuring, installing, removing , sealing and repairing glass in houses, hotels, shops and offices.
  • install room dividers, display cases, and security windows on commercial projects .

Why do glaziers need tools insurance?*

Glaziers need tool insurance as tools are the lifeblood of glaziers.

They help glaziers just like you to complete work on time, and to deliver quality workmanship.

Glaziers have a large number of tools compared to many other trades. And good tools are expensive. If they break or are stolen, it can impact your ability to get the job done or cost you thousands to replace.

Without tool insurance, you may have to dig into your own savings or borrow money to get the tools replaced or repaired.

Why should glaziers use an insurance broker in Australia?*

If you are a glazier deciding on whether to use an insurance broker for your business insurance, it is important to consider that brokers act in the interests of the self-employed glazier.

Direct insurers and agents act for the insurer. This can be important; especially if you need to claim.

Brokers can help glaziers by sourcing competitive quotes on policy inception, negotiate with the insurance companies to prevent or limit increases on renewal, remarket your policy to other suitable insurance companies where appropriate, talk to underwriters about policy wordings, industry classifications and terms, talk to insurance assessors during the claims process and repairers where necessary.

How do I get a glaziers insurance quote?*

Simply TALK to a SMART Business Insurance broker on 1300 542 573 or contact us online for suitable and affordable public liability and business insurance quotes for your glazing business.