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Wedding Planners Insurance

Business Insurance for Wedding Planners

Every small business owner needs to ensure their business is properly protected. As a wedding planner, you understand the importance of taking care of all the details for your special clients.

But don’t forget to ensure your own business is properly protected with business insurance.

At ‘Smart Business Insurance’, we understand that running a successful wedding planning business requires suitable insurance coverage. We’re here to answer your questions and help you cover your business properly and at an affordable price. Get in touch with one of our brokers to discuss covering your wedding planning business properly.

Many Business Owners are UNSURE if they are COVERED PROPERLY.
We help them find affordable and SUITABLE INSURANCE so they can run their business with CONFIDENCE.*

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Business insurance may cover a wide range of risks, including professional indemnity, public liability and much more. Wedding planners should consider these types of business insurance:

  • Public Liability Insurance may help protect your business and legal costs if a third party claims they were injured, or their property was damaged because of your wedding planner business activities.
  • Professional indemnity insurance may cover the costs associated with errors or omissions you might make while providing your service.  Weddings are an extremely emotional occasion and professional indemnity insurance may help cover legal defence cost for claims against you by your clients .  This cover may respond even if the cause of the claim is not your fault.
  • Wedding planners typically handle sensitive client information. Cyber Liability Insurance may protect your wedding planning business from potential financial losses or any reputational damage that may arise from a cyber-attack or breach of data security. This type of insurance may also provide reimbursement or reimbursement of any money spent on responding to an attack and the costs incurred with repairing any damage caused, including notifying customers of the data breach.
  • Personal Accident Cover is a type of insurance that may offer protection for much of a wedding planners’ income. It may cover medical costs, loss of income and other associated expenses if a wedding planner suffers an accident or injury while teaching.
  • Business Property Insurance can help protect against loss or damage to your business owned property. This could include physical damage to property such as office equipment, furniture, mobiles, and computers.
  • Commercial Motor Insurance may cover damage caused by your business vehicles.

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