For urgent claims assistance, please see our emergency claims hotline link:

Make a Claim

Please contact us to assist you with your claim.

We are here to help take the pressure off you and your business:

Our claims service is focused on helping you with your claim by representing your interests with the insurance companies and by keeping you informed throughout the process.

Please provide us with accurate and detailed information so that we can fast track your claim with insurers.

The best way to provide your claims information is on our claim forms here and email to your handling broker:

You can also complete the general claim form below or contact your dedicated SMART Business Insurance broker who will inform you about the information you need to provide for the insurance companies.

How you can minimise your risk.

  • Take whatever action possible to minimise damage.
  • In the case of theft, burglary, and malicious damage, notify the police.
  • In the case of liability, do not admit liability (your insurer will)
  • Report any claims promptly.
  • When in doubt, consult with us. We’re here to help you.


Smart Business Insurance have no power to authorise claims.

However, our experience and assistance can help you when you have a claim.

Emergency Claims Contacts

Should you require emergency assistance or advice out of our office hours:

24 hr Insurer Claim Hotlines

  • AIG 1300 030 886
  • Allianz Australia Insurance 131 000
  • Zurich Australian Insurance 131 687
  • SES State Emergency Service 132 500
  • CGU Insurance 13 24 81
  • QBE Insurance 1800 023 387
  • VERO/Suncorp 13 18 13
  • Hollard (02) 9253 6600
  • Brooklyn Underwriting 02 8270 1790
  • High St 1800 096 829
  • Chubb(03) 9242 5111
  • YYYY dash MM dash DD
  • All fields marked '*' are required.

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