Public Liability Insurance Broker

Friendly Brokers for Public Liability Insurance*

Thinking about using a broker to place your public liability insurance?

You’ve come to the right place!

Multiple public liability quotes from a broker*

At Smart Business Insurance we can obtain multiple public liability insurance quotes and terms for you from leading insurers such as VeroZurichLumley, AIG and many more.

Simply call us on 1300 542 573 to SPEAK to a broker or contact us online for a quote and for more information.

There are many reasons to ask a SMART Insurance broker for your public liability insurance.

At SMART, we act in the interests of our business clients. Direct insurers and agents act for the insurer. This can be important especially if you need to claim.

Our brokers can help businesses by sourcing multiple competitive quotes on policy inception, negotiate with the insurance companies to prevent or limit increases on renewal, remarket your policy to other suitable insurance companies where appropriate , talk to underwriters about policy wordings, industry classifications and terms, talk to insurance assessors during the claims process and repairers where necessary.

Many Business Owners are UNSURE if they are COVERED PROPERLY.
We help them find affordable and SUITABLE INSURANCE so they can run their business with CONFIDENCE.*

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As insurance brokers, we are here to help with public liability insurance.*

At SMART our brokers obtain multiple quotes and place public liability insurance for businesses all over Australia every working day. We are specialists in public liability insurance for businesses and, for common business activities, can provide you with STEADFAST negotiated public liability policy wording.

Whether you are a sole trader, contractor, tradesman, retail shop owner or large business chances are we have placed public liability insurance for a similar business. The price and terms offered on public liability for different types of businesses can depend on the insurer “appetite” for your business. As our team of SMART insurance brokers specialise in business insurance they are often familiar with the insurance companies that are suitable for the different types of businesses. As insurer ” appetites” can change from year to year for certain business activities our brokers can take the pain out of you having to hunt around for a different insurance company yourself every other year by giving you access to many suitable insurers with one phone call.

Want your QUESTIONS on Business Insurance ANSWERED?
Get in touch. *

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Ask us about public liability cover*

What public liability cover do you need? $5million, $10million or $20million?

Call us on 1300 542 573 or contact us online and let a Smart Business Insurance Broker assist you with your public liability insurance needs.