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Independent Consultants Insurance

Business Insurance for an Independent Consultant*

Wherever you are in Australia, if you are an independent consultant looking for Professional Indemnity and General Liability Insurance specifically tailored for the risks faced by your consultancy business activities you may have come to the SMART for suitable and affordable cover.

Whether your independent consulting activities involve management consultancy, IT systems, advertising and marketing or many more consultant activities our team of friendly business insurance brokers may be able to help you find a suitable policy.

Many Business Owners are UNSURE if they are COVERED PROPERLY.
We help them find affordable and SUITABLE INSURANCE so they can run their business with CONFIDENCE.*

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What insurance does an Independent Consultant need?*

Cover to protect independent consultants may include:

  • Professional Indemnity;
  • Public & Products Liability;
  • Civil Liability arising from a breach of Professional Duty;
  • Libel or Slander;
  • Liability for acts, errors or omissions of contractors and consultants;
  • Consumer Protection Legislation;
  • Intellectual Property.

Independent Consultant insurance costs and quote*

Want more information or want to find how much independent’s consultants insurance will cost you ?

TALK to a SMART Business Insurance broker on 1300 542 573 or contact us online for SMART insurance costs, quotes and cover for your independent consulting business.

What are the insurance requirements for an independent consultant?*

Independent consultants encounter a number of risks that may impact on them personally and their business. For example, business risks from your work activities as an independent consultant may cause harm to your clients person, damage to their property or loss of income or reputation to their business. There are also health risks that include getting injured that may prevent you from working for an extended period. As a result some of the most important insurance requirements for independent consultants in Australia include:

  • Public Liability Insurance
  • Professional Indemnity Insurance
  • Personal Accident Insurance
  • General Property and Tools

Public Liability Insurance for independent consultants

Public liability insurance for consultants may provide protection when there is injury or damage to a third party or third party property, such as a client or the client’s property.

Professional Indemnity Insurance for independent consultants

Professional Indemnity Insurance in Australia is necessary for independent consultants such as management consultants, IT consultants and other professional service providers that provide advice for a fee. This type of insurance can protect your company’s assets if damage occurs because you did not do something properly or there is an ambient claim against you.

This type of insurance can protect you or your company’s assets if damage occurs due to professional advice given by you or if an ambient claim arises against you.

Personal Accident Insurance for independent consultants

As a self-employed independent consultant your personal safety is your livelihood. Time away from work from an accident will have a direct impact on your income and a long period away can negatively affect your savings, family and lifestyle. Personal Accident Insurance may help you and your family pay for essential bills and other financial commitments when you have an accident.*

General Property and Tools Insurance

As an independent consultant, you may have mobiles, laptops and tools that allows you to do your job. General property insurance can help you keep operating effectively if your property is damaged or stolen. It can provide needed funds to replace such property if anything were to happen to it that could hurt your business.

Want your QUESTIONS on Business Insurance ANSWERED?
Get in touch. *

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Did you know?*

Insurance brokers can help you with your claims.

With policies placed directly with insurance companies you are on your own when it comes time to claim.

Get SMART independent consultants insurance*

  • We act for you – the independent consultant -not the insurance company
  • You’ll receive a competitive quote on a suitable policy
  • You receive responsive friendly service.
  • You’ll receive a competitive rate on a suitable policy year after year
  • You’ll have us in your court if you need to claim
  • Monthly payment options
  • We’ll do the leg work for you!

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