Farm Insurance
Insurance for Farms*
If you are looking for insurance for your rural property, working commercial farm or hobby farm you may have come to the SMART place for a competitive quote on a suitable policy.
Our friendly insurance brokers have a strong focus on farmers and farm insurance.
Many Business Owners are UNSURE if they are COVERED PROPERLY.
We help them find affordable and SUITABLE INSURANCE so they can run their business with CONFIDENCE.*
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What is farm insurance?*
Insurable sections for farms and farmers may include:
- Farm Property and Buildings and cover for workshops, sheds and stables
- Farm Contents and Theft
- Farm Machinery & Equipment cover for headers, quad bikes, ride on mowers, tractors and other farm vehicles
- Farm Liability insurance for product and public liability claims resulting in third party injury or property damages as a result of your farming operation
- Fire: Fencing, Farm Machinery & Sundry Items
- Livestock Fire
- Private, Farm & Business Vehicles
- Crop insurance
- Personal Accident & Sickness
As farm insurance coverage, exclusions and costs vary from insurance companies our farm insurance brokers can help you compare cover and rates.
What does farm insurance cover?*
Farm insurance coverage in Australia typically may provide cover for insured farm buildings, contents, machinery and livestock for :
- Property damage of insured farm buildings, contents, machinery and livestock
- Loss of insured farm buildings, contents, machinery and livestock
- third party liability property and personal injury damage (check with broker)
- Farm machinery and tractor breakdown insurance (typically an optional additional cover)
If you are interested in combining insurance cover for your farm into a farm pack ask our brokers about farming interruption cover, livestock and goods in transit cover up, cover for property in your physical or legal control including animals. Depending on the policy these segments can be included in a farm pack if needed.
Livestock, private vehicles, boats and farm working dogs may also be able to added to certain policies when requested.
Depending on the type, size and location of your farm our brokers know which insurance companies and underwriters are likely to provide suitable cover and competitive prices.
Want your QUESTIONS on Business Insurance ANSWERED?
Get in touch. *
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What types of farms can be covered*
Farm occupations we may be able to place insurance cover for include hobby farms and working farms.
Types of working farms include :
- Apple and Pear Growing
- Beef Cattle Farming (Specialised)
- Beekeeping
- Berry Fruit Growing
- Citrus Fruit Growing
- Cotton Growing
- Dairy Cattle Farming
- Floriculture Production (Outdoors)
- Floriculture Production (Under Cover)
- Grain-Sheet or Grain Beef Cattle Farming
- Grape Growing
- Kiwifruit Growing
- Mushroom Growing
- Nursery Production (Outdoors)
- Nursery Production (Under Cover)
- Olive Growing
- Other Fruit & Tree Nut Growing
- Other Grain Growing
- Other Crop Growing
- Rice Growing
- Sheep-Beef Cattle Farming
- Sheep Farming (Specialised)
- Stone Fruit Growing
- Sugar Cane Growing
- Turf Growing
- Vegetable Growing (Outdoors)
- Vegetable Growing (Under Cover)
Farm insurance cost and quotes*
Want a farm insurance cost and quote ?
Our friendly farm insurance brokers may be able answer your questions and assist you compare cover and costs on 1300 542 573 or simply enquire online.
Farm and rural property insurance is a focus at SMART.
We are able to source suitable rural property and farm insurance for many locations throughout Australia, including farm insurance in NSW, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Western Australia.
Monthly payment plans can be easily arranged to assist with cash flow.