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Building insurance

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Insurance for buildings

If you are looking to insure a commercial building or property you have come to the SMART place for competitive quotes on a suitable policy.

The team at SMART can source suitable cover for the insurable risks for commercial buildings including loss of rent or other income , business interruption, glass, theft, fire, flood, machinery breakdown, accidental damage ,general property and removal of debris.

Depending on the type, size and location of the commercial building service, our brokers know which insurance companies and underwriters are likely to provide suitable cover and competitive prices.

For smaller commercial buildings we can often provide you with quotes from leading insurance companies such as Vero, AIG, Lumley and Zurich in minutes. For more complex,larger commercial buildings or commercial strata buildings we may also approach other markets such as Calliden, QUS and Longitude.

Commercial buildings we can source insurance cover for fit into five categories:

  • Office Buildings – Office buildings includes single‐tenant offices, small professional office buildings, large skyscrapers, and everything in between.
  • Industrial Buildings – Industrial buildings range from small factories to commercial strata buildings, large warehouse/office buildings to the very large industrial buildings. Important elements of industrial buildings is Clear Height, the type and number of docks that the property has.
  • Retail/Restaurant – This category includes high street shops, single tenant retail buildings, small neighbourhood shopping centres, larger centres with super market anchor tenants, “big box ” retail shopping centres, and even regional and discount malls.
  • Multi-home buildings – This category includes apartment buildings or high‐rise apartment buildings. While individual units are domestic , residential strata unit apartments of 3 or more can considered commercial real estate.
  • Other buildings – This catch all category would include any other non-residential properties such as hotels, hospitality, medical, and self‐storage facilities, as well as many more.

Our business insurance brokers are specialists in commercial buildings.. They can source suitable business insurance packages (biz pack) for a diverse range of commercial building situations.

Monthly payment plans can be easily arranged to assist with cash flow.

For competitive quotes and general advice on commercial buildings including offices, industrial , retail, restaurants, and strata you can TALK to a SMART Business Insurance broker on
1300 542 573 or email us at

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What is the correct “Situation Address” to list on my business policy?*

The Situation Address must be the address of either the physical risk being covered (like a property) or, in the case of Liability policies, the physical address for the normal place (or places) of business.

If you have multiple business locations, e.g., a number of branches, shops, factories or depots, then ALL location addresses must be shown on the schedule and advised to the insurers. And the multiple location addresses then needs to be kept up to date with the insurers at all times, in the event of any changes.

Insurers will not accept a Post Office box as a “normal place of business”, because you cannot do business from a PO Box.

A PO Box is fine for a mailing address, but cannot be used as the address of the “Situation” on any policy.

For example, Public Liability policies usually operate “at and from” an address, which should be the normal place of business for a business policy.

If the business was run from home, for example, then the home address would be shown as the normal place of business. The “at and from” nature of the cover would then cover any transitory business conducted away from the home address (or away from a real business address, as the case may be).

If the business was run from home but was selling through stands or kiosks at markets or shopping centres then that would have to be disclosed to the insurer, as it affects the risk.

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